
Welcome to Pa Pae Peace Light 2024

On November 15th Pa Pae Meditation Retreat will organize Peace Lantern Ceremony.

To join this event, you can just register to join meditation retreat with Pa Pae Meditation Retreat and plan to stay overnight on November, 15th 2024.

Please choose ” 5 Days World Peace Light program 11th – 15th November ” at 2nd page of the application.

You can also come to the ceremony without registration, if you don’t need accommodation on November, 15th 2024.

It’s free of charge and based on donation.


Offer oneself a gift

Reflection before lantern releasing

To travel in other countries is a way to give oneself an opportunity to see different culture and life. It’s a chance to understand oneself more when we can be out of routine life.

Many people prefer to spend time aboard to be free from pressure of their everyday life. For many people who come to Thailand, it’s a good place to see how wisdom of Buddhism can contribute for people. Yee Peng is a well-known festival of Chiang Mai. It’s a special place in the world where lanterns released to water and sky with a large number. Impression to be with thousand sky lanterns flying in the sky can be life time memory.

On a mountain away from Chiang Mai in area called Pa Pae, here is a place for Yee Peng lantern festival. Visitors will have chance to release lanterns in the middle of nature. They will do it together with local people. Lantern releasing to the sky in Pa Pae, Chiang Mai can be another wonderful moment. Participants will spend a good moment to meditate together. A good reflection can make second lantern flying offering some more special impression. To release lantern with peace you can listen some special message from your heart. For someone who have chance to join retreat will have a good time to prepare a deeper peaceful mind. Energy of purity will be abandant for everyone.

To be among meditation practitioners can offer a special feeling with pure collective energy. It’s something hard to find in their daily life.

To spend time to do something special for yourself by joining Pa Pae Int’l Peace Light in Chiang Mai, Thailand can be another special impressive memory of your life.

We spend time and effort for the others so much in our life. It would be good to offer oneself a good time to be free from hectic atmosphere of cities to appreciate tradition, nature, people with beautiful festival of Yee Peng in Pa Pae, Thailand.

This year light ceremony in Pa Pae will be on 15th November 2024.

Meditation with tide of water can offer a good experience.

Why not only lantern releasing?

Meditation with nature during 5 days retreat

Loy Krathong is a tradition that helps people to relieve suffering of their daily life. Once a year to release serious thing with Krathong to flow with the water can offer a better attitude for life. Once we let go worries, mind can be freer, a better idea or motivation can come into our mind.

Happiness can be an objective of travellers who come to join Yee Peng festival. To have a good time to meditate before releasing lantern can offer a deeper peaceful feeling of happiness for participants.

At Pa Pae Int’l Peace Light you will be at a place where you mind can be calm easily. Thanks to meditation, you will not only be happy with bright lantern flying into the sky, but here you will be with a best moment to connect with deep inspiration of the mind. More understanding and wisdom for your life can be another wonderful experience.

Once you got experience of calmness and serenity from still mind, you can be a different person.With a little more wisdom can possible change our life situation. It can be a simple event that looks very ordinary. But less can be more. A good moment with joyful and peaceful mind can possible become a turning point of your life toward brighter destination.

Yee Peng lantern in Pa Pae releasing in will be on 15th November 2024.
5 days meditation retreat will be on 11th – 15th November 2024

A bright candle for Yi Peng festival in Pa Pae Int’l Peace light

Next sky lanterns releasing 12 Nov. 19

Sky lanterns before releasing to the sky

Next Yee Peng sky lanterns releasing in Pa Pae will be on the 12 November 2019. Participants can come to join 5 days retreat that will be organized from 9 to 13 November 2019. To join ceremony in Pa Pae will offer more that taking photos with the Sky Lantern. It’s a best chance to be with local people, work voluntary with them, light candle with them, laugh with them and happy with them.

Atmosphere of Yee Peng festival in Pa Pae will offer serenity to see Sky lanterns flying very peacefully. You can feel you are at somewhere you couldn’t imagine. When spirituality, simplicity and nature comes together, it brings us always pure and bright energy.


That’s a wonderful day

Happiness is overwhelmed in the village on last 23rd November 2018. People from the area and our international participants could have a good time to release together flying lantern of Yi Pang festival.

created by dji camera

Simplicity brings peace and happiness to everyone.


Prepare for a nice ceremony to everyone

Atmosphere of an exercise for ceremony with participants who join 5 days meditation program.






Participants meditated before and after  sky lantern releasing. Atmosphere was very calm and good.


Venue is ready for ceremony

Pictures taken on Wednesday 21 Nov. 2018

Candle light ceremony will be here at on 23 Nov.2018


Welcome to join Pa Pae Int’l Peace ceremony 12 Nov.19

Nature offers a peaceful admosphere for the event

Pa Pae Meditation Retreat will organize together with local administration Pa Pae Int’l Peace Light 2019 to be as part of  Yee Peng festival in Chiang Mai. 

Participants will be local people and visitors from around the world. It’s a chance to create together peace from pure and calm mind through activities of meditation, Buddhist chanting, international speech for world peace, loving kindness sharing,  and sky lantern releasing.

Venue of the ceremony will be at Pa Pae Meditation Retreat. Participants will be in the middle of an amazing peaceful enviromment of Pang Ma Kluay village, Pa Pae sub-district, Mae Taeng district, Chiang Mai.

Peace is main theme of this event. Then calmness is priority. Participants will be with each one own inner peace for the whole event. 

Sky lantern will be released once everyone is ready.  Bright lanterns and mind can make participants an amazing moment which can be an unforgettable experience.

People who come with different believes or no believe, once being together we will realize that peace is universal. Everyone would like to be with peace. 

Happiness can bring us also feeling to be one.  We can be one. One as human being, one as same humankind, one as world citizen, one that share same the sun, the same earth and the same air.

Pa Pae Int’l Peace Light 2019 would be a special memory to be together to send peace message and to share best wishes to our beloved world. It’s a sign to see one day world can be One again. 

This program is planned to be as an annual activity to host people from around the world to join and to create together World Peace from inner peace.